The shock of widowhood: Marital status and poverty in Africa
This brief review of the key insights and focus of the Poverty in Rising Africa report serves to introduce a blog series elaborating on the findings. The next blog, to be posted on Monday, Dec. 21,...
View ArticleÊtre veuve en Afrique : le lien entre situation matrimoniale et pauvreté
Avant l’introduction de systèmes de pension et d’allocations de veuvage à la fin du XIXe siècle et au début du XXe siècle dans les économies occidentales, les veuves faisaient généralement partie des...
View ArticleYouth employment in Africa: what policy makers can do
Just under two years ago, I, along with a team from across the World Bank, co-authored a report, Youth Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa, which tackled the growing gap between the aspirations of African...
View ArticleL’emploi des jeunes en Afrique subsaharienne
Voici un peu moins de deux ans, j’ai copublié avec une équipe de la Banque mondiale le rapport intitulé L’emploi des jeunes en Afrique subsaharienne. Nous y traitions du décalage croissant entre les...
View ArticleDomestic Violence and Poverty in Africa: When the Husband’s Beating Stick is...
According to the latest statistics, 51% of African women report that being beaten by their husbands is justified if they either go out without permission, neglect the children, argue back, refuse to...
View ArticleData gaps: The poor typical household surveys miss
Standard measures of poverty and inequality are calculated at the household level—assuming resources are pooled and shared equally among its members. The World Bank Group’s new global poverty...
View ArticleL’Europe face à la crise des réfugiés : ce que l’Afrique subsaharienne peut...
Les milliers de personnes ayant frappé aux portes de l’Europe en 2015 ont suscité une attention médiatique considérable. Si l’on ne peut que se féliciter de cet intérêt, que dire du silence relatif...
View ArticleInequality of opportunity in Sub-Saharan Africa
It is widely known that, compared to other continents, poverty rates are particularly high in Africa. Somewhat less appreciated is that inequality within countries also tends to be high. “Poverty in a...
View ArticleTesting times for South Africa
Concerns about South Africa’s economy have been rising, after years of slowing growth following the post-financial crisis peak of 3.2% in 2011. South Africans lament the plunge of the Rand—a 30%...
View ArticleSafety net programs can reach the poor and most vulnerable in Africa through...
Safety nets have the potential to play an important role in protecting the well-being of poor and vulnerable households in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the world’s poorest region—and also one of the most...
View ArticleFilets sociaux en Afrique : de nouvelles méthodes de ciblage pour atteindre...
La mise en place de filets sociaux bien ciblés en Afrique subsaharienne pourrait fortement contribuer à protéger le bien-être des ménages pauvres et vulnérables. Dans une région qui est la plus pauvre...
View ArticleViolences domestiques et pauvreté en Afrique : quand les coups du mari ont la...
Selon les dernières statistiques, 51 % des Africaines considèrent que leurs maris ont raison de les battre quand elles sortent sans leur autorisation, ne s’occupent pas bien des enfants, argumentent,...
View ArticleIs Inequality in Africa Rising?
Inequality is typically measured at the country-level. “Poverty in a Rising Africa,” the latest World Bank Group Africa poverty report, does not find a systematic increase in inequality - the number of...
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